This individual assignment looks for students to apply materials presented in class to fashion products available in the marketplace. Students will create a coordinated ensemble based on the noted criteria. Analysis of the look students have selected will be required to highlight important areas covered. The finished project will be a polished report that includes written explanations, visuals, and other technical details, attractively formatted.
A. Students will be able to utilize material presented during class in a useful way
B. Students will be able to showcase creativity, individual flair, and express themselves through their fashion product choices and overall formatting
C. Students will be able to apply the material to industry and to specific fashion products available in the market
D. Students will go into retail stores and search collections online to complete the coordinated ensemble
E. Students will prepare a polished business document which can be used as a portfolio piece in the future
An example of selected pages from a student’s submission is found below.
STUDENT WORK: Charlotte Snow
DATE: Fall 2013